Kyle Sean Hughes


Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power point, Access

Database workings File maker pro

Accounting Packages Pastel V.11, Pastel V.12, IQ Business 2014, Audit mate SARS E-filling E-mail, Scan and Fax

Programming- Html, CSS, Javascript, React js, Node js, Express js, Redux, Chakra UI, Bootstrap, AWS Cognito, AWS Amplify, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS API


Full Stack Engineer Learnership @ Umuzi/ Momentum

June 2023 - May 2024

Completed a rigorous 9-month full-stack development program 2 months ahead of schedule.

Successfully completed 91 projects covering various complexities and technologies.

Gained proficiency in the PERN (PostgreSQL, Express.js, React, Node.js) and MERN (MongoDB,

Express.js, React, Node.js) stacks.

Achieved Level 2 proficiency in Coderbyte-style algorithm tests.

Applied design thinking principles to create an MVP using Figma in a collaborative group project.

Conducted 450+ peer-reviews for projects of various complexity via GitHub.

Developed comprehensive skills in full-stack programming, problem-solving, and innovative



Key Achievements:

Completed 91 projects with a peer-reviewed approach.

Designed and implemented an MVP using Figma.

Successfully collaborated on group projects addressing real-world challenges.

Validated technical skills through extensive peer reviews and algorithm tests.

Web Development Internship @ Momentum Metropolitan

Mar 2024 - May 2024 | Remote, South Africa

Project Selection:

Interactions Management

Created Sequence Diagrams and Component Diagrams to visualize interactions and system structure.

Designed API input/output samples using Swagger for POST and GET requests in JSON format.

Documented API designs with JSON samples in markdown.

UI Mock Design & API Expansion

Created UI mock designs using Figma.

Explored and expanded API design knowledge with custom methods in Swagger.

Set up shared repositories for Wiremock and UI projects on GitHub.

Docker, Wiremock, and Postman Testing

Created mock scenarios and spun up a mock server in a Docker container.

Verified GET and POST interactions and created unit tests in Postman.

UI Implementation

Built UI using Angular based on feedback, consumed data from GET requests, and implemented filtering and search functionality.

Updated UI logic and researched best practices for unit testing in Angular.

AWS Solutions Architect Training

Completed sections covering Availability Zones, IAM, EC2, ELB, RDS, S3, and other AWS services.

Discussed high availability, scalability, and security aspects of AWS.

GitHub Actions & Docker ○ Set up auto-build processes using GitHub Actions.

Containerized Angular application and created Docker Compose files for concurrent backend and frontend deployment.

Authorization and Authentication

Researched and implemented Ory Hydra as an Identity Provider for user authentication and authorization.


Key Achievements:

Developed and tested mock APIs and UIs using Docker, Wiremock, and Postman.

Containerized applications for efficient deployment.

Integrated backend services and implemented secure authentication methods.

Demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of AWS Solutions Architecture.

Full Stack Developer Internship (MERN) @ Techadon Technologies

February 2022 - November 2022

Analyze given template and understand code

Building a product site

Building an Authorization and Authentication flow

Building a user profile page

Building an admin dashboard which allows for user KYC

Building a decentralized crypto wallet

Building a user search and filter table

Create and persist tables for a created Eth Wallets, Send and Buy transactions.

Planning certain client side features.

Refactor my old code as my skill improved

Technologies used: Javascript, Chakra UI, React, Bootstrap, Node js, Express js, Ethers js, Hardhat, PostgreSQL, AWS Cognito, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, Elephant SQL, Postman

Programming Activity

March 2020 to date:

1. Codepen Profile:

2. FreeCodeCamp Profile & Certificates: 9075-4311-9991-9211321b89f5

Music Production Company

2017 – 2019

(Business venture, officially started building in 2014 during spare time)

Cape Accounting Solutions

Accounting Clerk

January 2016 – April 2017

The First Accountants

Accounts Clerk (Trainee Accountant)

September 2014 to January 2015

College SA

Student Support Agent and Accounts Administrator

2012 – 2013



National Certificate: Information Technology (Systems Development) - NQF5

May 2024

The Institution of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)

(National Diploma in Financial Accounting.)



University of the Western Cape – (Incomplete – Finished first two years)



Monument Park High School

National Senior Certificate



 Business Literacy

Bookkeeping to Trial Balance

Payroll and Monthly SARS

Computerized Bookkeeping (Pastel V.11)

Financial Statements.

 Cost and Management accounting

Business law & Accounting Control

Income tax returns

Corporate Strategy

Management and Accounting control systems.

Financial Reporting and Regulatory Frameworks

Financial Accounting (Theory and Practice/Thesis)

National Certificate: Junior Bookkeeper NQF 3

FET Certificate: Bookkeeper NQF 4

National Diploma: Technical Financial Accountant NQF 5

National Diploma: Certified Financial Accountant NQF 6 ⮚

120 Hour TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate.

Responsive Web Design – Free Code Camp

Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures – Free Code Camp

Front End Development Libraries – Free Code Camp

Drivers License (Own Transport)


Great coordination and very organized, Hard working and dedicated Great communication skills, Very accurate and punctual, Effective and Independent thinker, Team orientated. A short summary about me, ‘‘I am great at coordination and very organized, hard working and dedicated, great communication skills, very accurate and punctual, effective and Independent thinker, and team orientated’’.